

[教學] Sticker Mule Trace 線上一鍵去背工具,不但去的超乾淨


Trace by Sticker Mule

Trace is a free image background remover. It detects the foreground in a photo or image and removes the background automatically. Background removal tools.

Trace by Sticker Mule 免費相片去背工具,線上全自動可自訂 ...

登入後Trace 首頁就會有一個「Upload a photo」上傳圖片按鈕,點選並選取你要透過工具進行去背的相片,當前Trace 一次只能處理一張圖片,沒有批次上傳功能。Trace 支援的 ...

Trace: Best FREE AI background remover

Trace is a free, user-friendly app that makes removing backgrounds from images a breeze. It utilizes advanced A.I. technology to accurately and ...

Introducing Trace 2.0

Trace automatically removes the background from any photo or image for free ... Custom sticker printing from Sticker Mule ... Introducing Trace 2.0.


Trace is a free background remover tool from Sticker Mule that instantly erases busy backdrops, messy rooms, or any unwanted background from your photos. Trace ...

Remove backgrounds with AI

The internet's best free background remover tool. Erase the background of any photo with AI online for free! No hidden charges - it's 100% free.

Trace by Sticker Mule 自動去背效果極好的免費線上工具


What is Trace?

Trace is a free background remover tool from Sticker Mule that instantly erases busy backdrops, messy rooms, or any unwanted background from your photos.